
Kevin Pike Ministry Blog #31

 January Blog      Hello everyone! Hope your 2025 is going so spectacular, Keep those new years resolutions up and running, I believe in you. This year is going to be a great one because we've already had a fantastic start, lets jump into it! Winter Retreat      Every year we host our much anticipated Winter Retreat the weekend before school starts and this year we had our biggest turn out yet. 700 students from our campuses around the DFW area came to spend a weekend seeking out Jesus and friendships. I had about ten guys from my small group come to the retreat and they have not stopped talking about it since.      The sermons were all centered on the topic of, "Who is Jesus?" Our director, Brandon Worscham, started the weekend off with telling us three stories about Jesus and what they said about his character. He chose Jesus's first miracle of turning the water into wine, the story of Peter almost drowning in water, and the woman touc...

Kevin Pike Ministry Blog #30

  Christmas Blog     Hey everyone! I hope that y'alls Christmas was full of sugar canes and gum drops! We had a great December at Collin, ending the year with a bang. Here are some of the happenings that went on before the students headed to break!      Christmas Party:     To end the year we had a Christmas party with the theme being, "Christmas Morning", so students showed up in their pajamas, we served them hot breakfast, and we had a living room style photo booth so they could take pictures with their friends! It was super fun and a big hit among all the students.      We did have a Christmas themed, devotional message that Sarah, our director, gave which encouraged the students to remember the real meaning behind Christmas. That our God, the creator the entire universe, decided to save us by lowering himself to the status of a human and to die for us. His creation that did not deserve to be died for. Yes presents and sweet food...

Kevin Pike Ministry Blog #29

 November Blog      Hey everyone! Hope y'all are heading into Thanksgiving with high spirits! This is a great time to meet up with family and to stop worrying about our day to day routines. As I am about to head into the break for Thanksgiving, I want to invite y'all in on what has been going on in our ministry this past month!     Pizza Theology:     Pizza theology is an once a semester event where we allow students to take a college level deep dive into a specific theology topic while also eating Cici's pizza. This year we invited a renowned, professor from Regent School of Theology, Dr. Rikk Watts, to come and teach us about the book of 1 & 2 Samuel. It is an honor to have this man come and expound all of his learnings and research unto us. He is a scholar of the Bible and we could not have been any more blessed to have him teach us a book from the Old Testament.      I was enamored with how Dr. Watts talked about prayer. He ...

Kevin Pike Ministry Blog #28

October Blog      Hello everyone! I hope y'all have been enjoying a many of pumpkin spice lattes and apple cider to your hearts content. It is the fall season, halloween is here, and ministry has been boomin! Here is a look at what happened in the great month of October this year!  Fall Retreat!!!:     Every year, we take our students to Camp Lebanon in Cedar Hill, TX for 24 hours so that they can get away from all the stresses of being a student and completely commit to Jesus, friendships, and the outdoors. Fall Retreat is one of our events that I look forward to the most. Students, myself included, always get to have a neat experience when they decide to commit their weekend to the Lord.      We had 65 students come with us this year and it was a blast! Most of both my small groups were there and they had a great time getting to hangout with one another and the Collin ministry as a whole. A snapshot of the things we did were: Singing worshi...

Kevin Pike Ministry Blog #27

 September Blog     The dust has settled from Welcome Week and now things at Collin are starting to get into a grove! There has been a lot of exciting things this month so let's jump into it!  Core (Small Groups):      I am leading two Cores this year with my co-leader Stian. It has been a blast! One of our goals at Collin College is to reach as many as possible this year and so everyone of our staff members are leading two Cores. We have around 6-8 guys at each of our Cores and it has been so fun getting to know them all. All of the guys in our small group are committed Christians so Stian and I are looking to create Bible study plans that really dive deep into our faith so that we can challenge our guys to really live a life of devotion to Jesus for not only themselves, but to the classmates around them so their lives can be changed as well. We plan on exploring the call of devotion that the gospel brings using Ephesians and Romans passages. Here's a...

Kevin Pike Ministry Blog #26

 WELCOME WEEK     Hey everyone! The new school year has started and wow it has been a lot of fun! God has been doing some great things on campus just after one week at school! For the first week of school, our entire staff at Collin spent everyday on one of the campuses to talk to students and invite them to come check out FOCUS. I can't wait to share with y'all about Welcome Week and how it went, here we go! Welcome Week: Monday     On Monday, I was at the Plano campus and we had our "First Day of School Photos!". For this event we made a large photo-booth that looked like a notebook piece of paper and had students take their photo in front of it like most kids used to do when they were younger. It was a great way to welcome students and get them excited for the first day. We also handed them book markers that had all of our info from FOCUS on it so they could keep it and check it out when they had the time too. Here are some photos from the event that day! Tue...

Kevin Pike Ministry Blog #25

 June Blog       Hey everyone! Since it is summertime, there is not as much going besides me fundraising for this next school year, but there still is some great things going on that I want to share with y'all! Let's dive in it!  TNF (Thursday Night Fellowship):     Even though school is out for the summer, TNF is still going on. Although, it is now with all the students that are in FOCUS from all the different campuses that we are planted at. We all meet at the Care Church in Richardson at 7:30pm. It is a load of fun and it is so cool getting to see students from all the campuses come together and worship the Lord as one.      Our sermon series this year is called Embracing Life . This series is directed towards getting our students to be more engaged and active with the events and the circumstances that they find themselves in. Something that we have been discussing with our staff about is the fact that students are becoming more ...