Kevin Pike Ministry Blog #30

 Christmas Blog

    Hey everyone! I hope that y'alls Christmas was full of sugar canes and gum drops! We had a great December at Collin, ending the year with a bang. Here are some of the happenings that went on before the students headed to break! 

    Christmas Party:

    To end the year we had a Christmas party with the theme being, "Christmas Morning", so students showed up in their pajamas, we served them hot breakfast, and we had a living room style photo booth so they could take pictures with their friends! It was super fun and a big hit among all the students. 

    We did have a Christmas themed, devotional message that Sarah, our director, gave which encouraged the students to remember the real meaning behind Christmas. That our God, the creator the entire universe, decided to save us by lowering himself to the status of a human and to die for us. His creation that did not deserve to be died for. Yes presents and sweet foods are fun, but the whole reason we gather together is to remember this truth foremost. The students had a great time and we thought it a huge success! Here are some photos from the party:

    Ministry Update:

    Core and FOJ's have been going great! We have an ample amount of students we want to join our leader team next year which is super encouraging! We also want to start a new type of leadership team this next semester called the LIT team (Leaders in Training) team. Unlike the Corefa's, they will not lead a small group but they will be given leadership roles in many different areas of our ministry, such as planning outreach efforts, being greeters at TNF, planning TNF events, etc. This will give them a chance to lead and be a voice in the community. 

    Life Update: 

    I celebrated Christmas at my family's house this year. We had a great time and my fiancé Adriana was able to join us! Here is a pic from Christmas morning! 

    Prayer Requests:

    If you could pray for our students that the rest of the break they are able to have a truly restful time that isn't filled with mindless entertainment but with quality rest time with the Lord. The same for our staff so that we can be ready for this next semester. Also, for us to reach many more students this next semester so they can be invited to community and encounter Jesus more. 

    Thank You:

    Thank you so much for your generosity and support of our college campus Christian ministry. Your donations make it possible for us to share Christ’s love, help students grow in their faith, and create a welcoming community. Your kindness and partnership mean more than words can express. We are truly grateful for you and pray that God continues to bless you for your faithfulness! 

P.S. This is a testimony from a student from our FOCUS ministry at UNT. Your contributions help develop and impact students like him in our ministry. 


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