Kevin Pike Ministry Blog #30
Christmas Blog Hey everyone! I hope that y'alls Christmas was full of sugar canes and gum drops! We had a great December at Collin, ending the year with a bang. Here are some of the happenings that went on before the students headed to break! Christmas Party: To end the year we had a Christmas party with the theme being, "Christmas Morning", so students showed up in their pajamas, we served them hot breakfast, and we had a living room style photo booth so they could take pictures with their friends! It was super fun and a big hit among all the students. We did have a Christmas themed, devotional message that Sarah, our director, gave which encouraged the students to remember the real meaning behind Christmas. That our God, the creator the entire universe, decided to save us by lowering himself to the status of a human and to die for us. His creation that did not deserve to be died for. Yes presents and sweet food...