Kevin Pike Apprenticeship Blog #11

April Showers Brings New Blog 

    Hey everyone! Hope you all have been enjoying the gorgeous weather that we've gotten the past couple of weeks. The end of the school year is soon and things are starting to wind down but also pick up.

    Small Group Update:   

    Tuesday night small group has been so fun and encouraging. We've had three new guys join our group this past month which is so wild because it is so close to the end of the semester. It makes me realize that even though it is close to the end, there are still many guys that want a community which gives me the drive to keep pushing during outreach. We've been chugging through Exodus which has been so fruitful. Many of them are not familiar with the story so its great getting to hear their thoughts and questions from a new, fresh perspective. This group has been so fun to be with, they have all matured and grown their love for Jesus since the beginning of the school year. I have seen so many of them grow in friendships and lifestyles that are rooted in Christ, rather than partying and pursuing the pleasures of this world. Sadly, we only have a few more meetings and then most of them are transferring to other schools. I truly will miss these guys. 

Here are some goofy pictures of our small group hanging out after our study

    Outreach Update:

    Suns out, guns out. We've been hitting the campus of Frisco hard! The pictures below show us doing a couple of new ideas that we've implemented. One of my favorites was, "Drop an Anxiety & Pick Up an Encouragement". The whole idea was to let the students know that there are people on this campus who care about their anxieties. They would write one of their anxieties on a sticky note and then post it on a sandwich board. Then we had about 80 premade encouragements that they could take with them that had bible verses and encouraging messages on them. I was surprised at the amount of students who were willing to be open about their worries and were able to talk to us about it, how cool is that?

(Left) Xander and Ugo walking around campus giving encouragements to students, (Right) Our "Ready for Summer" outreach event, (Bottom) Our "Drop an Anxiety & Pick Up an Encouragement" outreach event
    Class Update:

    We are about to wrap up our New Testament Foundations class and Eschatology class in the coming weeks. We had our last Zoom call with Dr. Rikk Watts which was truly a blessing. He is a professor at the Regent College of Theology and we had the pleasure of getting time with him every week and being able to ask him any question about the New Testament which he has a rich knowledge of. We will be starting a new class soon that goes over the book Elmer Gantry. From what I have heard about it, it's going to be wild. 

    Pizza Theo: 

    The last Pizza Theology of the school year went down at the beginning of the month and it was a blast. We had four of our pastors talk about the wisdom literature; which is Job, Ecclesiastes, and Proverbs. They wisely taught us about what true wisdom is, which is all rooted in God. The biggest takeaway for me was when one of our speakers talked about Peter the disciple. He made a point about how we sometimes view Peter as a man that is not wise and acts without thinking. But, because of his boldness to say what was on his mind, he was able to be corrected by Jesus and learn from his experiences. We can now see as a person Peter being open to correction and having a heart that wants to learn more. Sometimes I find myself not wanting to speak up or ask questions because I could be wrong but it is better to be wrong and learn from your mistakes than say nothing at all. Can't wait for the next Pizza Theo next semester!

The crowd absorbed by the teachings of Brandon Worsham

    Your contributions have had a tremendous impact on the lives of our students and have helped us create a welcoming community where they can find friendship and support. Thanks to your donations, we have been able to provide our students with various opportunities to gather and connect with each other. Your continued support has allowed us to expand our ministry and reach more students than ever before. It is truly inspiring to see the positive impact that we are making together, and we could not do it without your help. Once again, I would like to express my sincere gratitude for your generosity and dedication to our ministry. Your donations have made a real difference in the lives of our students, and we are deeply grateful for your ongoing support.

    Here is a testimony from one of our very own Collin students who has been such a joy and pleasure to be around. Your support helps lead students like this to Christ and community! Thank you so much!




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