
Showing posts from February, 2023

Kevin Pike Apprenticeship Blog #8

Start of the New Year       Hey everyone, hope you all are following your New Year's resolutions. I did not make any so you can not hold me accountable. Anyways, the staff team at Collin has been blessed to have a great start to the year!      We had our annual Winter Retreat this year which was a huge blessing! This is where all the students from all the campuses come together and spend three days and four nights with each other to learn and grow closer to God, what could be better than that? The pictures below do not even come close to embodying the love, excitement, and thrill of being there. I was blessed to have 90% of our small group come which was a huge blessing; this allowed us to get some quality time together and have great conversations. This year's sermon series was on 1 John and how love is crucial to being a Christian. Here is the link to the sermons on Spotify if any of y'all need something new to listen to!  https://open.spotify.c...